General Financial Aid Information

Net Price Calculator

Federal Return to Title IV Policy

Campus Logic

Veteran Educational Benefits

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity

Getting used to the processes and how to pay for your college can be quite the undertaking. That’s where Columbus Technical College’s Financial Aid/Services area comes in. From applying for FAFSA every year to paying your fees and/or tuition in our Business Office, our experts are here every step of the way.



CARES Act Info

May 26, 2020

Dear CTC students,

The federal government recently passed the Coronoavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, part of which provides funds to colleges to help qualified students deal with expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Columbus Tech has developed a plan to pay out over $1.5 million to qualified students over the next several months.

Columbus Technical College acknowledges that the institution signed and returned the certification and agreement form and intends to use the funds to provide the mandated amount of the emergency financial aid grants to students.

For details on eligibility for these funds, please see the Columbus Tech CARES Act Student Disbursement Plan.

Thank you and stay safe!

-The CTC Financial Aid Team
