Online Training

Associate Degree Nursing

Dental Assisting

Dental Hygiene

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Medical Assisting

ARF Outcomes

The five-year weighted average for employer satisfaction of the diploma Medical Assisting program at Columbus Technical College, Columbus, GA is 100%, based on the most recent Annual Report Form submitted to the Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB) and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).

The employers of the most recent graduates from Columbus Technical College’s Medical Assisting program are satisfied with the education that they receive, as there is a 100% graduate satisfaction rate over the past five years.

The Medical Assisting program has a 5 year retention rate of 91.23%.

To prepare medical assistants who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession

  •  Classes will be held in classrooms, computer labs, online, and the medical assisting laboratory which consists of a large lab and class area, three exam rooms, and a reception area.  
  • Program Director:  Leslie H. Noles and my email  phone:  706-225-052

Nurse Aide

Georgia requires nurse aide programs to provide one comprehensive course (NAST 1100 – Nurse Aide Fundamentals or NAST 2100 – Nurse Aide Accelerated) to train nurse aide students to work in all health care facilities. The Technical College System of Georgia’s NAST 1100 course has been approved for 135 contact hours (60 Lecture, 51 Lab, 24 Clinical) and its NAST 2100 course for 150 contact hours (75 Lecture, 51 Lab, 24 Clinical). All students must complete these required hours according to the training schedule submitted by the institution’s approved program to the State Contractor before the start of each class. Therefore, Georgia’s Policies and Procedures Manual for Nurse Aide Training Programs states, “No student will be added to the roster after the start of each class” (NAST 1100 or NAST 2100). Additionally, no new nurse aide class can be added to the semester schedule during the drop/add period.

Pharmacy Technology

Before the first Pharmacy courses are taken, the student must register with the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy, which includes a State and Federal Background check for clearance, to participate in any Pharmaceutical Setting.

Columbus Technical College (CTC) Pharmacy Technology Program is recognized as an eligible sterile compounding training program for CSPT candidates; CTC graduates will be eligible for CSPT Certification through Pathway 1 after one year of full-time sterile compounding experience (provided all other eligibility requirements are met). To verify CTC, CSPT recognition status, go to PTCB’s recognized program directory. 

Program Outcomes

Columbus Technical College’s Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCB) pass rate:

Dates Administered

Number of Exams Administered

Number of Exams Passed

Percentage Passed

10/28/2020 – 11/27/2023




Program Effectiveness Data

Practical Nursing

Program Admission Information

The Practical Nursing diploma program is designed to prepare students to write the NCLEX-PN for licensure as practical nurses. The program prepares graduates to give competent nursing care. This is done through a selected number of academic and occupational courses providing a variety of techniques and materials necessary to assist the student in acquiring the needed knowledge and skills to give competent care. A variety of clinical experiences is planned so that theory and practice are integrated under the guidance of the clinical instructor. Program graduates receive a practical nursing diploma and have the qualifications of an entry-level practical nurse.

Program Outcomes

Practical Nursing Program Licensure pass rate Outcome(Cohort data only):

Year Percent Number of student







Program Completion Rate

     a. 70% of the students admitted will graduate on time with cohorts.
     b. 70% of the returning students will complete the program within 6 semesters.

Year May to April 70% on time with Cohort 70% returning Student



26/27 = 96%

32/36 = 89%

0/1 = 0%

TBD (2 returning students for Cohort 0525)

Job Placement

At least 80% of the graduates seeking employment will be employed one year after graduation.

Year May to April Percent Employed in Nursing Field Number of Students Continued Education







Radiologic Technology

Respiratory Care 

Surgical Technology

Application Deadline Forms Required for
Application Process
Estimated Cost of Program Program Director
1 March   Letter of Intent In State $8000.00
Out of State
Carl Sandy
Program Outcomes

Outcomes Assessment Exam (OAE) pass-rate from the program’s most recently submitted Annual Report.

On the 2022 Annual Report, 10 of 10 students took the Certified Surgical Technologist Exam . Administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting for 100% participation rate, 7 of 10 passed on the first attempt for a first  time pass rate of 70%

Program Admission Information

Pre-Requisites used for Competitive Admission ENGL 1101 MATH 1111 PSYC 1101 BIOL 2113 BIOL 2113 BIOL 2113L BIOL 2114 BIOL 2114 BIOL 2114L Back Ground Check, Drug Screen

Surgical Technology Manual
