About your Campus Police Department

Columbus Technical College is concerned about the safety and security of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The College is committed to providing a safe and protected environment for all the CTC campus community. The CTC Campus Police Department in partnership with local law enforcement departments and officials strive to provide protection to the main campus as well as all off-site locations that promote the pursuit of the College’s mission. Since the total preclusion of crime from this or any campus is not possible, the College has put into effect policing and strategies as precautionary measures to help protect our campus community.

CTC Police Patch


For life-threatening emergencies please dial 911. If the circumstances allow, also call the CTC Campus Police 706.649.1933. (We encourage you to program our number into your cell phone.)

CTC Police hours of operation: Monday – Thursday, 7a – 10p

Weekends as class schedules and events require




When to contact the College Police:

  • If you witness a crime
  • If you are a victim of a crime
  • If you feel that your safety or the safety of others is being threatened by someone’s behavior – If the actions are emergent, please dial 911, then dial Campus Police
  • If you witness any violation of the student code of conduct
  • If you see someone acting suspiciously or who does not belong in your area

Safety Awareness – Active Shooter/Threat

  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Take the necessary precautions and actions to protect your well-being.
  • DO NOT pull the fire alarm to alert others as this may put others in danger.
  • RUN/AVOID the threat by fleeing the area if safe to do so.
  • HIDE/DENY access by hiding and barricading if unable to escape – doors locked, lights off, remain silent. Consider texting 911 or your CTC Police Department if safe to do so.
  • FIGHT/DEFEND yourself by fighting back as a last resort.
  • Remain in place until authorities advise it is safe. 

What happens before a violent incident is the most important step of all. Be prepared and trust your common sense, study your surroundings, identify exit routes and hiding places, and ask yourself what if question. And remember, you are responsible for your own safety. You must assess your options when an incident occurs, and quickly decide what action you will take to stay safe.


Message from the Chief

The Columbus Technical College Police Department is a full service, professional law enforcement agency that is committed to providing a safe and secure educational environment for students, staff, faculty and visitors. The Police Department is dedicated to the Community Policing Philosophy; providing pro-active service through inter-departmental and inter-agency collaboration to meet the ever-changing needs of the college community. We welcome input from the college community regarding security issues, needs, and concerns, and pledge to work as partners with the college community to provide quality police and security services.

In addition to providing high visibility patrols of the campus, the Columbus Technical College Police Department Officers investigate all criminal activity and motor vehicle accidents on campus. We also provide safety escorts upon request.

I would encourage you to get to know your Police Officers on the Columbus Technical College campus. We are here to keep you safe and assist you with all your safety and security needs. I think you will find our officers friendly and approachable and willing to assist you in any way possible.

I urge you to always keep safety in mind and if I may ever be of assistance to you in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon me at any time.

C.E. Pickett




Student Handbook – Campus Police

